Those who contemplate the beauty of the earth find reserves of strength that will endure as long as life lasts.  There is symbolic as well as actual beauty in the migration of the birds, the ebb and flow of the tides, the folded bud ready for the spring.  There is something infinitely healing in the repeated refrains of nature – the assurance that dawn comes after night, and spring after the winter.


On the eve of the new year there is a full moon to light our way into the new decade …  Whether it is obscured by cloud or not, the light is still there if we reach high enough for it.  Dawn will come after this night, and spring will come after this winter …. just as in our own life there is a season for everything.

But all we have to do is try to live each moment – on the mountain, on the run, at work, at play – with lightness and with joy.  Trying is all we are asked …